Bytes Food
Bytes Food
Nourishing Your Life with Freshness


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Potato (kg)
Rs.25.00 Rs.26.00
Onion (kg)
Rs.80.00 Rs.85.00
Cauliflower (EA)
Rs.60.00 Rs.80.00
Tomato (kg)
Rs.42.00 Rs.50.00
Cabbage (EA)
Rs.40.00 Rs.60.00
Bottle Gourd (EA)
Rs.35.00 Rs.40.00
Garlic (kg)
Rs.180.00 Rs.200.00
Chayote Squash (Chow Chow) (kg)
Rs.30.00 Rs.40.00
Ginger (kg)
Rs.125.00 Rs.160.00
Cucumber (kg)
Rs.50.00 Rs.70.00
Carrot (kg)
Rs.95.00 Rs.120.00
Okra (kg)
Rs.55.00 Rs.70.00
Pumpkin (kg)
Beetroot (kg)
Rs.120.00 Rs.140.00
Brinjal Long Purple (kg)
Rs.50.00 Rs.70.00
Green Chilly (kg)
Rs.120.00 Rs.150.00
Capsicum Long (Chilli Bajji) (kg)
Rs.135.00 Rs.160.00
Lettuce (pcs)
Broad Beans (Sheem) (kg)
Rs.115.00 Rs.140.00
Ash gourd (Chalkumro) (kg)
Rs.60.00 Rs.80.00
Beans Cowpea (Ramaish) (kg)
Rs.85.00 Rs.110.00
Green Peas (kg)
Rs.230.00 Rs.250.00
Brinjal (Gol) (kg)
Rs.60.00 Rs.75.00
Radish (kg)
Rs.60.00 Rs.80.00
Pointed Gourd (kg)
Rs.50.00 Rs.60.00
Mustard Greens (200g)
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